Saturday, October 31, 2015

Johnson and Johnson Baby Bar Packaging

What is seen in the picture is a packaging design for Johnson and Johnson Company. This packaging is designed to create a container for baby’s soap bar, to be used for babies. The soft and gentle pink color, which is the dominant color used in this packaging, is chosen to show the purpose of what is inside the packaging itself which happens to be a baby soap bar, which is very gentle and moisturizing for the skin of the baby. The color blue chosen for the types could be improved and become a little lighter and creamier to give a gentler feeling, but not so light that it would not be readable. The font used for the word Johnson’s is a kind of type which has the feeling of softness and gentleness to it. In other words, it is not written in a straight kind of typeface and has a curvy and rounded parts to it which generates the idea and purpose of the bar which is softness and gentleness. However, what could be improved is the other written words with the Helvetica typeface. The designer could use a gentle and curvy typeface probably similar, but not the same typeface used for the word Johnson’s, to generate the idea and purpose behind the baby bar which is to soften and moisturize the skin of the baby even more so. There is also a white drop shape in the middle which could both generate the idea of cleanness because it is like a water drop (since the bar is also used to clean the skin by using water), and also the idea of softness and moisturizing since the drop shape could be also considered as a drop of cream or moisturizer which is the other intention of the baby bar—to soften and moisturize the skin. The overall design of the packaging (the colors, the font, and the drop shape) is good, but if the improvement ideas mentioned earlier are put into action, it would even make the packaging and its purpose more successful.

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